Empowering The Next

We are providing you and your kids with tools to ensure their SUCCESS

Of high school graduates get accepted to college
0 %
Need to be prepare for the workplace
0 %
Students Don't feel Prepared to make career or College decision
0 %

Providing You with
Valuable Information
about Your Student

Our basic 4 week workshop provides personal assessments (4) that are specifically designed for high schoolers to help them better understand themselves. How they learn, hear and process information as well as assisting them in capitalizing on strengths and identifying challenges. 


This process provides the students with the tools to Improve I.Q. – Strengthen E.Q. – Develop C.Q. 


We incorporate the feedback from their assessments along with DISC to help students develop strategies to maximize their current position and to navigate the gap from where they are, to where they want to be.





College and Career Readiness Solutions

Explore Our Areas of Expertise


Intelligence Quotient has been used for years to evaluate students and employees capabilities.

We provide our students tools to determine their learning style as well as their cognitive processing style.

Helping them create optimal environments for learning and processing new information.


Emotional Quotient is the measure of a person's ability to understand and manage their own emotions as well as others in a positive way. Major corporations have indicated that E.Q. is becoming more important than IQ in the workplace.

Our assessments provide students with insight into their communication strengths and challenges, their motivators and fears.

Providing them with skills to learn how to interact with others with different preferences.

Business Office


Career Quotient is a term you will probably only hear from us.

It is that unique blend of the student's I.Q. and E.Q, including historical data of individuals with similar profiles

It is the understanding a students will gain relative to occupations they would most likely thrive in.

A $285 Investment will set your student on the road to a bright future...

Discounted group rate for Churches, Non-Profits, Educational Institutions... (Scholarships Available) Contact Us Today!

Insights From DISC...


Meet the people who get the job done

Our team

Carlos Moore

Certified Behavioral Consultant - International Coach Confederation Member - CPLC - ThM - Licensed Minister

Cloretha Moore

Certified Behavioral Consultant
Applied Behavioral Specialist